Saturday 18 September 2010

Looks Like The 'Secret' is Out

Having been reading Memory Girl's blog and MSE Diary thread I noticed The Secret  got mentioned quite a bit.  Being curious about such things I decided I needed to read this book for myself (being I am so able to afford impulse buys NOT).
Anyway the book arrived and, I must admit it is a nice looking book, stylish, and a nice size.  However the bit that needs discussing is what it actually contains.  I read it from start to finish.  Then I started it again to absorb what I had read.
It is basically a book about the Laws of Attraction packaged in a very sophisticated way.  So, I'm thinking everyone on Memory Girl's diary seems to have had some success with this, lets give it a try.
I thought long and hard about what I needed to ask from the Universe (Jackpot Lottery win seemed a bit greedy for someone sceptical)
I decided that my feeling of general dissatisfaction with life may be helped by a change of job. I asked the universe for a change of job, which was better paid, that I would enjoy and be good at.  Don't get me wrong I like where I work but the actual job is tedious.
As I had already put an application in for a job I half expected an interview which was (unsurprisingly) forthcoming  However, after long consideration I had doubts as to whether this was the job for me.  Interview is looming (Monday coming actually) and I am thinking. should I go, as I know I will not get the job as it involves a credit check (ho hum).  Out of the blue my daughter phones me at work "Mam, you need to take Monday off.  My hospital appointment has come its at half 2 on Monday".
Well thats the interview issue solved.  The universe has solved the problem for me.
Back onto the Jobcentre website-spur of the moment decision at 10.30 last night.
Whoa!!!!!!! There on the website.  The company I work for are opening a new branch (first our branch has heard of it as even the Deputy Manager was surprised when I text him to ask). 
They are looking for staff at all levels.  This is my promotion I have been waiting for, for the last 10 months (always promised, never delivered).  I was absolutely gobsmacked.  The advert was place on Thursday and a spur of the minute decision made sure I found it.  Thank you Universe.
I think maybe that Lottery Jackpot win could be along pretty soon.

Sunday 12 September 2010

TFI Sunday

Wow!!!! There is nothing better than a Sunday evening when you have been working all weekend.
Unfortunately retail now demands it as people expect to be able to shop 7 days a week.  However most of these Monday to Friday 9 til 5-ers do not understand that most people who work on Sunday do not get double time/extra time off, or any other benefits that they assume us poor sods get.
I remember all those years ago when sunday trading hours were introduced, I felt it was the beggining of the end of civilised society.  Maybe a bit extreme, but what has happened to family togetherness since Sunday shopping started?
People are more interested to trail round shopping centres.  A trip to the park now means a retail park.  Kids in tow whingeing about wanting this, that or the other toy/latest fashion accessory.
Quality time as a family has been overtaken by consummerism.
Yes it pays my wages which in turn pays my mortgage and bills, but it doesn't mean to say I like it.
A Sunday off work for me means a lie in, a leisurely breakfast with Baby Blonde, preparing a home made Sunday roast dinner from scratch.  This means home made roast spuds and my own recipe Yorkshire puds (my family would have me publicly flogged if I used Aunt Bessies). 
I try to make a point of avoiding shopping at all costs on a Sunday, so instead we make a visit to my mother's house for a cup of tea and a slice of cake.  If there is a decent film on TV we will put it on and just spend time together, just being.
A Sunday to me is something that should be special, it was in my childhood and I would like my kids to feel that it was in theirs.  Yes, yes I know Baby Brown isn't mentioned because, unfortunately, she is in a similar line of work that involves Sunday working, we do however have our family time when she is able.
So why TFI Sunday when I have been working???
Its early closing.  Home by 4.45pm.  Still time to enjoy some of my family time with my nearest and dearest.

Thursday 9 September 2010

Just Chequing

Well I had an organised morning, as I had work this afternoon.
I have been going thru the debt files, and realised that I need to get a cheque sent off to a creditor before the 14th.  Just needed to double check that I hadn't already done it. 
The threats these people make is laughable.......don't pay on time, we'll cancel your arrangement and demand payment in full. 
Yeah! Well if I need to pay reduced payments does that not tell you I can't make a payment in full.  Doh!!!!!!
Believe me when someone finds themself in serious debt, the last thing you need is aggressive phone calls and threatening letters.
Not that my debt is serious compared to some, however it is serious to me!
Circumstances change and shit happens.  Everybody deals with it in their own way.

This seems to be most peoples idea of dealing with debt, but you can't stay there forever and be comfortable.


Sooner or later you have to pull your head out and deal with it.  I spent almost a year doing this with a couple of debts, then everything snowballed big style. I had become too dependent on child tax credits to keep me afloat, that, when baby Brown left full time education and got a job I was left struggling.
Realising that handouts had been funding our, not so much extravagant lifestyle, but comfortable standard of living was a major WAKE UP AND SMELL THE COFFEE moment.
Things came to a head when I received a CCJ for my water rates and had to do a statement of affairs (SOA).
This needed dealing with and I needed to start immediately.
Every detail of my life was under a microscope.  Every receipt was scrutinized, all outgoings re-assessed.
This had to be crunch time.
I have found so much help and support on the MSE forums that I plucked up the courage to organise a debt management programme and start paying everything off.
I have never been so friendly with my cheque book.
Anyway that's my rambling for tonight.  I'm over to read Memory Girl's Trans Atlantic Challenge .

Wednesday 8 September 2010

Well I thought it was about time to re-start blogging. Fab, I can't remember my details from the last blog I had (was it that long ago?).
So welcome to my brand new shiny blog.
Make yourselves at home.
Don't be shy, leave a message and click Follow.
I'm currently counting the cost of a theatre break in London (WOW did I overspend!!!) and a trip to Sheffield on a Uni open day with my baby Blonde, who is hoping to be a Legally Blonde in 4 years time.
Eveything is done on a shoe string when it comes to travel, accomodation etc. Its the keeping us fed and entertained which has choked the coffers.
Discovered MegaBus.........what a find.
Newcastle to Sheffield (and back) for £35 for both of us £17.50 each BARGAIN!!!!!!!!
Travelodge overnight stay £19 a room.
I never knew how to find bargains like these then I discovered Money Saving Expert . This place is amazing.
I have found free offers, cheap deals and support for the credit challenged peeps (I'm tryng to say debt in a nice way).
So I'm going to use this blog to track my progress in becoming debt free. Any tips, ideas and support I can find will be coming soon
See you all later and keep pinching those pennies